The Eyes: The Balls You Shouldn’t Play With

When it comes to our bodies, we all know the importance of protecting ourselves from potential harm. We wear helmets to safeguard our heads, knee pads to protect our joints, and sunscreen to shield our skin. But what about our eyes? Often overlooked, these delicate orbs deserve our attention and care. In this post, we’ll explore why it’s crucial to focus on eye care and protection, shedding light on the potential dangers.

Have you ever woken up at night to a very dark room and tried to navigate your way outside without a light source to illuminate your way? Could you walk as confidently as you would during daytime?

the eyes
Source: JaymzArt from Pixabay

Or, close your eyes right this moment and walk towards your kitchen, your room or any area of your house or workplace. Can you say that you didn’t hesitate in your steps at least once because you thought you would bump into a chair, trip over something or headbutt a wall? Did you ever reach out your hand before you at one point just to be sure nothing was in your way or to grope around for support?

Did you notice that despite how familiar you are with your house and working environment, it suddenly turns into an uncharted wilderness without your sight? You might have thought ” I know this place very well, of course I can move around with my eyes closed” and you discovered the opposite to be true ( It is what it is.).

There is a point to all these questions and exercises. ( If you have guessed by now, kudos to you, you wouldn’t need to read to the end, but read anyway, you might learn something new. If you haven’t gotten the message, don’t worry, you will at the end of this piece).

The Importance of the Eyes

During our primitive years of loincloths,scraggly hair, before the modern man ( for those of us who believe in the evolution theory of creation), man depended on their eyes to hunt, to gather food, to carve out their tools, and keep track of their expeditions through drawings and paintings on the walls of caves.

(For those of us who believe in the Gap Theory, even God, the creator, knew the importance of beholding his creation’s beauty when he spoke light into being, and on the last day, he SAW that everything was good).

Overtime, decades to centuries, the eyes evolved into the most complex organ in the body, second to ( did you guess it right?) the brain. Why is that?

What the Eyes Do

the eyes
Source: Mario from Pixabay

Studies have shown that the eyes are able to process about 36,000 pieces of information in a single hour! In an average of your life, your eyes will see 24 million different images , and all this has to be processed by your brain as soon as your eyes sees them.

That’s a lot of work! So much work that even the external muscles that move the eye have become the strongest muscles in the body( 100 times more powerful than they need to be) because of the vital role they play. That’s how dependent we are on them for our daily living, for our money making jobs, to watch television, to differentiate colors (like how blue the sky is or how cobalt blue clouds portend rain), to appreciate that gorgeous girl’s smile or that handsome man’s beards or accessories.

The Vulnerability of Our Eyes

Our eyes may be small, but they are incredibly vulnerable. Think about it, their surface is exposed and unprotected, making them susceptible to injuries and various eye-related problems. Whether it’s eye strain from long hours spent staring at screens, dryness caused by environmental factors, or even infections lurking in the most unexpected places, our eyes face challenges on a daily basis. Ignoring their care can result in irreversible damage and affect our quality of life.


Potential Dangers to the Eyes

Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a near or distance vision impairment. In at least 1 billion – or almost half – of these cases, vision impairment could have been prevented. Something as small as a fly getting into your eyes, overworking or rubbing them, excessive sunlight exposure to a slap or a punch in the face could easily damage them. And just like that, light’s out. In some cases, the causes go undetected with no signs or symptoms, and it could be darkness forever. Other potential dangers includes:

  • The Sun: The sun, although a magnificent celestial body, can be a sneaky foe when it comes to eye health. Harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation can lead to conditions like cataracts, macular degeneration, and even temporary blindness. Remember to wear sunglasses that provide adequate UV protection to shield your eyes from these harmful rays.
  • The Digital Dilemma: In our modern world, digital screens have become an inseparable part of our lives. However, excessive screen time can strain our eyes, leading to discomfort, dryness, and blurred vision. Combat this issue by taking regular breaks, practicing the 20-20-20 rule (looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes), and using blue light filters to reduce eye strain.
  • Play It Safe: Sports and recreational activities are fantastic for our physical well-being, but they can pose risks to our eyes. Protect your eyes by wearing appropriate protective gear such as goggles or safety glasses and practicing caution during these activities.

Your eyes are more than just windows to the world, they are precious, irreplaceable gifts. By prioritizing their care and protection, you can ensure their longevity and maintain good eye health. From shielding them against the sun’s harmful rays to reducing eye strain caused by digital screens and being cautious during sports and recreational activities, every step you take matters. So why not protect them, why not care for them? Shallout!!!